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Integrated Agriculture

ACTICLASTER is a fungicide based on potassium phosphonate. The active ingredient is characterized by remarkable mobility in plants, and due to its systemicity, which occurs in an ascending and descending manner, it is absorbed by leaves and roots and also ensures the protection of vegetation that forms after treatment. The product has a direct effect against pathogenic fungi, mainly oomycetes, by inhibiting spore germination and blocking the development of mycelium

Integrated Agriculture

AZOFOS NP 16.6 is a binary liquid fertilizer based on ammonium polyphosphate with the addition of the inhibitor Diciandiamide that is characterized by a high fertilizing efficiency due to the synergistic effect established between the nitrate, ammonia, urea and phosphorus component that allows it to be used in any type of soil and condition. Phosphorus induces more intense root activity in plants allowing vigorous development of the root system.AZOFOS NP 16.6 manifests a marked starter effect toward crops.

Integrated Agriculture

AZOFOS SPECIAL 24-10 DCD is a binary liquid fertilizer based on ammonium polyphosphate with the addition of the inhibitor Diciandiamide that is characterized by a high fertilizing efficiency due to the synergistic effect established between the nitrate, ammonia, urea and phosphorus component that allows it to be used in any type of soil and condition. Phosphorus induces more intense root activity in plants allowing vigorous development of the root system.AZOFOS SPECIAL 24-10 DCD manifests a marked starter effect toward crops.

Organic Farming

BIOFERT N5 is an innovative organic fertilizer containing Nitrogen completely of plant origin derived from noble plant matrix to provide valuable organic matter. BIOFERT N5 presents, an organic nitrogen with gradual release as it is linked to the biochemical processes of the plant matrix in the soil. BIOFERT N5 minimizes depth losses by leaching and surface losses by runoff.

Organic Farming

BIOFERT S is a fluid organic nitrogen-potassium fertilizer, completely of plant origin, characterized by a high concentration of free amino acids and polypeptides with the presence of betaine and polysaccharides. BIOFERT S undergoes special filtration treatment and is suitable for use in fertigation. BIOFERT S provides significant proportions of organic nitrogen, potassium and organic matter. It is also a strong promoter of soil microbial activity.

Organic Farming

BLACK HUMONAS is a liquid soil conditioner fertilizer that contains humic and fulvic extracts from Leonardite extracted by a natural method.BLACK HUMONAS possesses an acidic pH that promotes miscibility with most plant protection products and fertilizers, promotes growth during the different phenological stages of the crop, enables it to cope effectively with stresses of various kinds, and promotes root and vegetative development when applied to the roots.

Organic Farming

BORON-CARE is a boron-based formulation with a special formulation that allows rapid foliar absorption and stability in soil within a wide pH range. The application of the product makes it possible to prevent and treat some serious physiopathologies such as: grapevine millerandage, fruit suberosity, hollow heart of sugar beet, etc.BORON-CARE plays an important physiological role in plants, being decisive in the flowering stage, promotes fertilization and fruit set processes, regulates sugar production and catalyzes the uptake of macroelements.BORON-CARE is suitable for foliar and root applications.

Integrated Agriculture

BRIONFLO 100 SC is a fungicide with preventive action for the control of grapevine, tomato and potato downy mildew; it has high affinity for cuticular waxes, with moderate penetration capacity; resulting in resistance to the leaching action of rain and partial redistribution within the treated vegetation. Adjust treatment frequency according to weather patterns and disease pressure.

Organic Farming

CALCIUM FOLIAR FERTILIZER WDG is a fertilizer based on Calcium Carbonate in a WDG formulation obtained with a special technology that allows the microgranules to disperse quickly in water and promote the absorption of Carbonate directly from the leaves through the stomata. Carbonate particles thus absorbed dissociate, releasing CO2 and CaO. CALCIUM FOLIAR FERTILIZER WDG is a product to be sprayed on leaves. In this way, penetrating into the stomata, a twofold effect is achieved: supply of Calcium to prevent and treat physiopathologies caused by calcium deficiency and increase of CO2 concentration in the leaf to increase and optimize the photosynthesis process. In the plant, we notice: accelerated growth and improved green leaf coloration; increased resistance to frost, drought and pest diseases, growth and vitality under stress conditions; improved Calcium availability to the plant; reduced water demand; and improved fruit production, quality and storage properties.

Organic Farming

CHELIFER 6 WDG iron chelate (total 100% chelate fraction) with 4.8% in the ORTHO-ORTHO form, prevents and treats ferric chlorosis even under the most difficult pH conditions.

Integrated Agriculture

CLEANCLASTER is a new-generation adjuvant that ensures faster uptake and more efficient and effective translocation of herbicides in the basipetal and acropetal directions, enhancing their modes of action and reducing product losses during treatment.The product enhances the activity of all systemic and post-emergence herbicides even in the presence of highly developed weeds or in suboptimal vegetative conditions. In addition, optimal results are also obtained against weeds considered to be moderately and poorly sensitive to herbicide use.The addition of CLEANCLASTER allows for greater readiness of action even at low temperatures.

Clean Solution
Integrated Agriculture
CS NPK 10.5.5 + 2MgO

C.S. NPK 10.5.5 + 2 MgO is a fertilizer based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balanced in a 2:1:1 ratio with added Magnesium so that it can be used in fertigation to ensure vegetative recoveryat the beginning of the season by increasing soil enzyme activities that stimulate root development. C.S. NPK 10.5.5 + 2 MgO can be used during the growing cycle to promote balanced plant growth and increases tolerance to environmental stresses (water and heat) and promotes fruit development and improves fruit storability due to potassium.

Clean Solution
Integrated Agriculture
CS NPK 12.12.12

C.S. NPK 12.12.12 is a liquid fertilizer that contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium balanced with each other so as to best meet the nutritional needs of the macroelements throughout the crop cycle.The use of C.S. NPK 12.12.12 promotes vegetative luxuriance and optimal development of the leaf apparatus, as the nitrogen it contains intervenes in the synthesis of chlorophyll and enzymes, favoring the uptake of other nutrients. C.S. NPK 12.12.12 is specifically designed for use on horticultural and industrial crops in the phenological stages when nitrogen demand is highest.

Clean Solution
Integrated Agriculture
CS NPK 14.7.7

C.S. NPK 14.7.7 is a viable formulation on all crops undergoing vegetative recovery after the winter period or near sowing of nitrogen-hungry crops such as corn and forage crops.In C.S. NPK 14.7.7, the right balance of phosphorus and potassium invigorates the root system and stimulates sap mobility.

Clean Solution
Integrated Agriculture
CS NPK 4.8.12

C.S. NPK 4.8.12 is characterized by the presence of all three macroelements with a higher phosphorus and potassium content. C.S. NPK 4.8.12 is recommended on production-stage crops particularly in long-harvesting horticultural crops (tomato, strawberry, zucchini) because the nitrogen present continuously feeds the leaf system and stimulates the uptake of phosphorus and potassium.

Organic Farming

CUPRON ULD is a fertilizer based on the trace element copper from sulfate pentahydrate obtained by a special technology that allows Copper to be bound to organic matter of noble origin, which favors its use at low dosages.CUPRON ULD allows the regular performance of the plant's metabolic activities since Copper is a constituent of some enzymes and is important for the synthesis of chlorophyll.CUPRON ULD distributed by foliar means prevents and reduces Copper deficiencies by making it readily available to the plant. Copper is absorbed with difficulty by the root route because it is retained by the soil, particularly in those rich in organic matter and with an alkaline reaction.

Integrated Agriculture
FERTIFOS 10 - 34
Integrated Agriculture
Liquid Nitrogenates

FERTILCEREAL 21 DCD is a simple liquid nitrogen fertilizer in which the function of the nutrient nitrogen (urea and ammonia) has been linked to DICIANDIAMMIDE so as to achieve positive economic and environmental management advantages of this macronutrient relative to biological transformation processes. Thanks to the inhibitor DICIANDIAMMIDE, ammoniacal nitrogen is converted to nitrate nitrogen in a period of 8 to 12 weeks by reducing the traditional nitrogen supply.The inhibitory activity of DICIANDIAMMIDE against urease and nitrifying bacteria is manifested in a reduction of losses by leaching and volatilization. The inhibitory action of DICIANDIAMMIDE, exhibits absolute invariance with respect to environmental conditions, and this, together with ease of use, makes FERTILCEREAL 21 DCD a decidedly attractive product compared to other similar compounds, in that the distributed nitrogen is completely absorbed by the affected crop.FERTILCEREAL 21 DCD is a product designed specifically for effective use in spring nitrogen fertilizations (COLZA, MAIS, STRAW CEREALS) carried out in conjunction with weed control or fungicide and insecticide treatments, in hose and/or with the down

Integrated Agriculture
Liquid Nitrogenates

FERTIRIS 21 DCD is a simple liquid nitrogen fertilizer in which the function of the nutrient nitrogen (urea and ammonia) has been linked to SULPHUR and DICIANDIAMMIDE so as to achieve positive economic and environmental management advantages of this macro-nutrient relative to biological transformation processes. Through the combination of SULPHUR with the inhibitor DICIANDIAMMIDE, ammonia nitrogen is fixed and made available for a period of 8 to 12 weeks by reducing the traditional nitrogen supply. The inhibitory activity of DICIANDIAMMIDE against urease and nitrifying bacteria is manifested in reduced losses by leaching and volatilization. The inhibitory action of DICIANDIAMMIDE, exhibits absolute invariance with respect to environmental conditions, and this, together with the ease of use, makes FERTIRIS 21 DCD a decidedly attractive product compared to other similar compounds, in that the nitrogen distributed is completely absorbed by the affected crop. FERTIRIS 21DCD is a product designed specifically for effective use in spring nitrogen fertilization of rice carried out in conjunction with weed control or fungicide and insecticide treatments.

Integrated Agriculture

FOSFODRIP STARTER is a phospho-azotate fertilizer in which the nitrogen component is appropriately balanced with the phosphate component in an acid environment to allow use even in calcareous soils, hard water and with sophisticated fertigation systems. Due to the combination of readily assimilable nitrogen with phosphorus and zinc, FOSFODRIP STARTER manifests a marked "starter" effect and greater mobility in the soil than other phosphorus forms. It is recommended for use as a fertigator in the early stages of the crop cycle or as such in localization in sowing/transplanting of field or greenhouse crops.


FOSFONITRIC ACID is a compound mineral fluid fertilizer with a high concentration of P2O5 combined with nitrogen in nitrate form readily available for all crops, both herbaceous and tree crops. FOSFONITRIC ACID, due to its strongly acidic pH, is ideal for fertigation applications to meet the phosphorus needs of crops and to promote the development of root systems and a rapid start of the crop, as phosphorus having plastic action promotes plant formation.

Integrated Agriculture

GRANOFOS Zn SUPER is a binary liquid fertilizer based on ammonium polyphosphate that is characterized by high fertilizing efficiency due to the synergistic effect established between the ammonia component, phosphorus component and Zinc. Phosphorus, combined with Zinc, induces more intense root activity in plants, allowing vigorous development of the root system. GRANOFOS Zn SUPER manifests a marked starter effect toward crops.


GREEN LAST Veg is a practical, safe and effective fluid nitrogen organo-mineral fertilizer in suspension for foliar applications, to be diluted in water. It provides different forms of variable-release mineral nitrogen in balanced ratios to best meet the needs of the crop at the most critical phenological times, including during dry periods. GREEN LAST Veg has a high stimulating power on crop metabolism due to the presence of a noble organic component: Plant Amino Acids. The combination of Plant Amino Acids with Sulfur promotes the synthesis of Methionine and Cysteine, which constitute the noble proteins of cereals: Gliadin and Glutenin (the combination promotes the formation of Gluten).GREEN LAST Veg is very suitable for combining in a mixture with fungicides and/or insecticides, improving their uniformity of distribution, persistence of action and absorption (synergy with nitrogen uptake).

Integrated Agriculture
K 30

K30 is a liquid fertilizer in solution with a high Potassium content. Potassium is the ordering element of plant vegetative functions. This element is vital in chlorophyll photosynthesis, sugar and starch synthesis. Its decisive function is in fruiting and imparting better quality to all kinds of crops: in practice, good potassium fertilization results in better qualitative and quantitative fruit yields. Potassium-treated plants are found to be more robust and resistant to climatic adversity and low water availability; flower coloration is also intensified and fruit flavor, color and shelf life are improved.

Integrated Agriculture

KEY SAPON is composed of a potassium soap that promotes an effective and rapid supply of potassium to plants, and an excellent disintegrating action on organic residues, such as honeydews and fumigants that originate from numerous phytophages, such as Psyll, Metcalfa, aphids, whitefly, mealybugs, etc.KEY SAPON can be used in a mixture with many insecticides and herbicides as it has excellent action as a wetting agent, anti-drift, antibouncing without being phytotoxic to the treated crop.

Integrated Agriculture

MAS NK FER is a specific fertilizer that enables the prevention and reduction of iron deficiencies. Formulated with Ammoniacal Nitrogen, Potassium and Sulfur Dioxide it slows Nitrogen losses and solubilizes microelements in the soil such as Fe and Mn.MAS NK FER regulates soil salinity, increases crop sugar content, oil quality and cold hardiness.

Organic Farming

MICROPHYT PLUS is an extract of natural substances containing micro-elements Iron, Zinc, Copper andManganese from liquid mixture of soluble rock powder, which protects, strengthens, heals and heals, all plant tissues debilitated due to stresses suffered as a result of adverse events of various kinds. MICROPHYT PLUS prevents iron, zinc, copper and manganese deficiency physiopathologies. It imparts greater texture color and flavor to fruits. Stimulates vegetative functions during development and colors tissues. Regulates tissue moisture and fortifies tissues by protecting them from adversity. MICROPHYT PLUS restores deficiency states; stimulates to fruit ripening, in open field, greenhouse or tunnel. Ideal for root and foliar nutrition of the following crops: Vegetables, Orchards, Olive groves, Vineyards, Plants.

Integrated Agriculture

MICROSED GEO is a pyrethroid insecticide in a microgranular formulation based on Tefluthrin on a support consisting of Nitrogen and Phosphorus (NP 11.47), effective by contact against the main terrestrial arthropods that infest agricultural crops. MICROSED GEO acts by contact and, thanks to a pronounced vapor phase, it also exhibits relevant repellent activity that contributes to enhanced protective efficacy. MICROSED GEO should be distributed localized only in the seeding or transplanting furrow using microgranulators and should always be buried.

Integrated Agriculture

MICROSEED AIR O2 is a prill (microgranular) fertilizer based on nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc in combination with a Peroxide that releases Oxygen once it comes in contact with soil moisture. MICROSEED AIR O2 creates an AIR BUBBLE around the seed and root system that can reduce the phenomenon of root asphyxia and anoxia, stimulate germination and rooting in adverse situations (e.g., clay soils, soils with waterlogging and compacted soils with tillage soles), and generate an oxidizing side action against soil microorganisms. MICROSEED AIR O2 is characterized by a perfectly spherical, compact and flowable microgranule with a diameter of 1.05 mm ideal for localized fertilization at planting and transplanting. Phosphorus is protected by an organic matrix, which in combination with Zinc results in being fully available for root development. MICROSEED AIR O2 can be distributed by microgranulator or layered with seed, straw cereal seed only, in the hopper (10 kg of MICROSEED AIR O2 for every 100 kg of seed) thus reducing waste, optimizing logistics and maximizing fertilizer efficiency

Organic Farming

MICROSEED BIO is a phospho-azotated NP microgranular fertilizer for organic farming suitable in localized fertilization at planting or transplanting of crops such as corn, tomato, sunflower, sugar beet, autumn-winter cerealsMICROSEED BIO contains slow-release organic Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dioxide comes from soft natural phosphates. Natural phosphates mixed with a noble organic matrix allow for a very active product even in alkaline soils.MICROSEED BIO has a starter effect that is manifested by ready development of the root system and vigorous development of young seedlings. It is distributed with the help of microgranulators found on seed drills. By localizing the fertilizer at planting, waste is reduced and distribution time and related costs are optimized, maximizing fertilization efficiency.

Integrated Agriculture

MICROSEED JEX is a prill (microgranular) fertilizer based on calcium sulfate with added zinc and is particularly suitable for localized fertilization at planting or transplanting of crops such as corn, tomato, sunflower, sugar beet and autumn-winter cereals, ornamental and medicinal plants.MICROSEED JEX has a flowable and uniform microgranule with a diameter of 1.05 mm. The presence of calcium sulfate combined with zinc improves the physical characteristics of the soil in which it is used. Under special soil pH conditions MICROSEED JEX promotes seed germination and ensures plant development during the delicate early stages that is manifested by ready development of the root system and vigorous development of young seedlings.MICROSEED JEX is distributed with the help of the microgranulators on the seed drills. By localizing the fertilizer at planting, waste is reduced and distribution time and related costs are optimized, maximizing fertilization efficiency.Approved for use in organic farming under current European regulations.

Integrated Agriculture

MICROSEED WR is the only microgranular fertilizer in which the starter effect, given by the combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and zinc, is combined with the management of soil water retention due to the presence of the plant polymer WR. MICROSEED WR works like a sponge: it captures water in the soil and gradually releases it during its slow degradation, which occurs over 4-6 months depending on the organic matter content in the soil. The presence of the polymer allows the formation of a COMFORT ZONE around the seed or roots favoring the development of the crop even under conditions of water stress such as drought years and in sandy/light soils.The use of MICROSEED WR is recommended in sandy soils, drought years, farms with difficulties in water supply. MICROSEED WR is characterized by a spherical, compact, flowable microgranule with a diameter of 0.3-1.0 mm that can be distributed by microgranulator or layered with seed, only that of straw cereals (10 kg MICROSEED WR for every 100 kg of seed), thus reducing waste, optimizing logistics, and maximizing fertilizer efficiency.

Integrated Agriculture

MICROSEED Zn SUPER is a prill (microgranular) fertilizer that provides a rapid "starter effect" due to the perfect combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc protected by organic matrix that ensures their availability and prevents their retrogradation. MICROSEED Zn SUPER is characterized by a spherical, compact and free-flowing microgranule with a diameter of 1.05 mm that can be distributed by microgranulator or layered with seed, only that of straw cereals (10 kg of MICROSEED Zn SUPER per 100 kg of seed) thus reducing waste, optimizing logistics and maximizing fertilizer efficiency.

Integrated Agriculture
Liquid Nitrogenates
N 30 DCD

N30 DCD is a fertilizer whose three nitrogen forms (nitrate, ammonia, urea) are perfectly balanced. In this way, the crop has a share of nitrogen readily available and a share capable of meeting needs in the later stages of the crop cycle. The presence of DICIANDIAMMIDE allows maximization of the efficiency and availability of the nitrogen unit by slowing down the nitrification process and reducing losses by volatilization and leaching.N30 DCD is indicated both in periods of intense vegetative development and in case the crop has to overcome phases of growth blockages due to environmental stresses. N30 DCD is applicable on all agricultural crops requiring nitrogen and is distributed in the open field, localized in-band or in fertigation.

Integrated Agriculture
Liquid Nitrogenates

N-DIGEST DCD is a liquid formulation that when added to digestate or slurry reduces losses through volatilization and leaching of nitrogen, thereby increasing nitrogen availability by up to 8-12 weeks.N-DIGEST DCD allows nitrificable nitrogen to be fixed in the soil so that it can be fully available to the crop.EURO TSA recommends the use of N-DIGEST DCD in sandy soils or in soils rich in organic matter.

Organic Farming

Fluid protein concentrate completely of plant origin with high content of free amino acids (31%), low p.m. peptones, vitamins, macro and microelements. It allows the plant to save energy on all protein, enzyme and sugar synthesis processes. It is suitable for overcoming all crop stress conditions.

Organic Farming

NF MICRO CAM is an organic fertilizer consisting of a noble plant matrix rich in Amino Acids (levogiri) with added Calcium and Magnesium. NF MICRO CAM has a very important action on crops as it promotes high penetration of Calcium and Magnesium that are complexed by the plant Amino Acids, which behave like the claws of a crab. This particular formulation allows NF MICRO CAM to be effective at all stages by going to improve the metabolism of the crop due to the high presence of plant Amino Acids and to promote a better translocation within the plant of Calcium and Magnesium allowing to prevent deficiency physiopathologies and improving photosynthetic activity. NF MICRO CAM promotes increased crop resistance to a variety of stresses such as water stress, oxidative stress, cold stress, heat stress, excess salinity stress, etc.

Organic Farming

NF MICRO FE.ZN.B is a mixture of three trace elements such as Boron (B), Iron (Fe) and Zinc (Zn) that are complexed by a special matrix. The presence of the noble matrix within NF MICRO FE.ZN.B allows the contained trace elements to be highly available to the culture. This matrix binds to the individual ions of the microelements generating a complex analogous to the claws of a crab, thus both foliar and root penetration is promoted allowing the individual elements to best perform their actions at the metabolic and enzymatic levels. NF MICRO FE.ZN.B is suitable for the entire crop cycle by performing its maximum function at times of stress as the highly available microelements allow the crop to be kept active. NF MICRO FE.ZN.B is specially designed to prevent and treat chlorosis and multiple deficiencies through foliar applications on all crops. NF MICRO FE.ZN.B provides crops with three important microelements (Iron, Zinc, and Boron) to carry out certain functions such as chlorophyll formation, more intense leaf and fruit coloration, and flower fertilization.

Organic Farming

NF MICRO MIX is a mixture of different trace elements such as Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), and Zinc (Zn) with added Sulfur that are complexed by a special matrix. The presence of the noble matrix within NF MICRO MIX allows the contained trace elements to be highly available to the culture. This matrix binds to the individual ions of the microelements generating a complex analogous to the claws of a crab, in this way both foliar and root penetration is promoted allowing the individual elements to best carry out their actions at the metabolic and enzymatic levels. NF MICRO MIX is suitable for the entire crop cycle by performing its maximum function at times of stress as the highly available microelements keep the crop active.NF MICRO MIX is specifically designed to prevent and treat chlorosis and multiple deficiencies through foliar applications on all crops. Multiple deficiencies, caused by the deficient presence of two or more elements, are difficult to diagnose and cause serious damage to plant physiology and in severe cases can impair plant production and vitality.

Integrated Agriculture
Liquid Nitrogenates

NITROCAL is a calcium nitrate solution specifically designed to treat and prevent numerous physiopathologies. Used in fertigation, it makes it possible to counteract the onset of all those nutritional diseases determined by calcium deficiency such as apical rot of tomatoes, leaf dryness of salads and melons, and hollow heart of carrots. Regular intake of NITROCAL also results in improved vegetative development of any botanical species, improved fruit firmness, and improved shelf life during storage of these products in warehouses.

Integrated Agriculture
Liquid Nitrogenates
Organic Farming

NUTRIVIT 50 BLUE is a fertilizer based on the micro element Copper, it mainly performs a catalytic function resulting indispensable for plant metabolism. NUTRIVIT 50 BLU enables the regulation of the performance of metabolic activities of the plant as copper is a constituent of some enzymes and is important for the synthesis of chlorophyll. NUTRIVIT 50 BLU prevents Copper deficiencies by increasing its availability especially in soils rich in organic matter or with an alkaline reaction. NUTRIVIT 50 BLU should be used by foliar fertilization.

Integrated Agriculture

P54 is a liquid mineral fertilizer with a high concentration of P2O5 for all crops, both herbaceous and tree crops. P54 is applied in fertigation to meet the phosphorus needs of crops and to promote the development of root systems and a quick start of the crop, as phosphorus having plastic action promotes the formation of the plant

Integrated Agriculture

P75 is a liquid mineral fertilizer with a high concentration of P2O5 for all crops, both herbaceous and tree crops. P75 is applied in fertigation to meet the phosphorus needs of crops and to promote the development of root systems and a quick start of the crop, as phosphorus having plastic action promotes plant formation.

Integrated Agriculture

POLIFERT EXTRA is a binary NP liquid fertilizer from ammonium polyphosphate containing Sulfur. Its, high, fully available phosphorus content in a mixture with Sulfur makes it extremely attractive for all crops.POLIFERT EXTRA is recommended to be used at planting or transplanting time for industrial crops such as corn, autumn/winter cereals, canola, sunflower, cruciferous and horticultural crops. It can also be used in fertigation on specialty crops.

Integrated Agriculture

POTASSIUM THIOSULFATE is a fertilizer in solution with a high title in potassium (25% K2O) and sulfur (42% SO3) that, thanks to the original synthesis process, combines the fertilizing function of potassium with a series of properties not found in other potassic fertilizers:- thanks to the action of the thiosulfate anion, a moderate inhibitor of nitrification and urease processes, it makes it possible to significantly reduce nitrogen losses by volatilization and leaching;- it increases the degree of assimilability of phosphates by virtue of the reducing and acidifying action carried out in the soil layers explored by the roots;- provides considerable proportions of elemental sulfur (fertilizing and corrective action);- protects microelements such as iron and manganese from insolubilization phenomena, reducing manifestations of chlorosis and micro deficiencies. EURO TSA's special formulation of POTASSIUM THIOSULPHATE, due to its total absence of chlorine, is particularly suitable for use in fertigation on horticultural crops and for foliar applications on fruit crops and vines.

Integrated Agriculture

QUICK-R is an organic-mineral NP suspension fertilizer whose organic part consists of a noble plant matrix rich in Amino Acids (laevorides). QUICK-R possesses a very important starter action on crops as it improves crop metabolism due to the high presence of plant Amino Acids and making the roots develop more.

Integrated Agriculture

RED-K is a liquid fertilizer in solution with a high Potassium content. RED-K, due to its special formulation, possesses a decisive function that manifests itself in improved fruiting and imparts better quality to all kinds of crops. Potassium is the ordering element of plant vegetative functions and is vital in chlorophyll photosynthesis, sugar and starch synthesis. Plants treated with RED-K are more robust and resistant to climatic adversity and low water availability; flower coloration is also intensified and fruit flavor, color and storability are improved.

Integrated Agriculture

VIGOR GREEN is a liquid nitrogen organo-mineral fertilizer containing plant-derived substances (amino acids, peptides, various carbohydrates, Sugars, Vitamins), plant-derived hormones (Betaine, Auxine, Cytokinins, Gibberellins) and salicylic acid derivatives with boron, potassium, calcium and magnesium.VIGOR GREEN stimulates plants to promote growth during the most important phenological stages such as flowering, fruit set and fruit enlargement thereby ensuring maximum yield at each phenological stage of the crop.The components present in VIGOR GREEN facilitate vegetative recovery after stressful situations of various kinds, contribute significantly to improving the qualitative and organoleptic characteristics of crops, and enhance the natural defense capacity of plants.VIGOR GREEN used in seed treatment stimulates germination processes and promotes the emergence of seedlings