Technical Articles

April 16, 2018

Microseed Kit & Microseed Line: for a quick starter effect

Localized fertilization in the seed furrow, is a practice that is becoming increasingly widespread in all Italian areas. By means of this technique, the farmer maximizes the efficiency of fertilization because: by depositing fertilizer in the seed furrow, all the elements it contains are readily assimilated, both during germination and during radicle development.
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May 22, 2018

Vine blight is taken care of by EURO TSA

ACTICLASTER is the new formulation to be combined with plant protection products* for a sustainable defense against Downy Mildew Grapevine every year is threatened by Downy Mildew and in 2018 EURO TSA proposes its strategy for a sustainable defense where the protagonist is ACTICLASTER formulation that allows to reduce the use of plant protection products* while protecting the surrounding environment.ACTICLASTER is the new formulation to be combined with plant protection products* for a sustainable defense against Downy mildew Grapevine every year is threatened by Downy mildew and in 2018 EURO TSA proposes its strategy for a sustainable defense where the protagonist is ACTICLASTER formulated that allows to reduce the use of plant protection products* while protecting the surrounding environment.
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September 5, 2018

Microseed WR: the answer to canola germinability.

EURO TSA to promote the germination of canola has specially developed MICROSEED WR: NP+Zn microgranular fertilizer containing an innovative plant-derived polymer that can increase the water retention capacity of the soil, thus creating around the canola seed a COMFORT ZONE with high water content that ensures its germination.
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