NUTRIVIT 50 BLUE is a fertilizer based on the micro element Copper, it mainly performs a catalytic function resulting indispensable for plant metabolism. NUTRIVIT 50 BLU enables the regulation of the performance of metabolic activities of the plant as copper is a constituent of some enzymes and is important for the synthesis of chlorophyll. NUTRIVIT 50 BLU prevents Copper deficiencies by increasing its availability especially in soils rich in organic matter or with an alkaline reaction. NUTRIVIT 50 BLU should be used by foliar fertilization.
50% Copper (Cu) total
Appearance Fine blue-colored powder
Densityat 20 °C 3.67 kg/Lt.
Fertilizer based on microelements
Leaf application
Fruit Growing, Grapevine, Olive Tree
Vegetables and Strawberry
Beet, Cereals, Tobacco
The use of Copper fertilizers should be limited to cases where there are specific nutritional needs, such use,
and possible when there is a demonstrated need and by relevant technical documentation (see Circular No. N.0026663 dated 10/04/2018)
Dose KG/HA
1,4 - 1,8
1,8 - 2,2
1 - 1,4